Nothing To Muse

A blog for musing on many of life’s big questions about— race, religion, culture, sex, politics, ego, the nature of the human being, and God. This blog is not just limited to questions though, it’s really about sharing our various perspectives and considering things a bit deeper than we normally might. Think outside of the box~ or expand it.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Purpose of Seda

Seda is my means of expression. It is my tempered creative, cognitive, and philosophical “Essentia” [essence]; a work uncensored and bold, in the sense that it is honest and un-commercialized, a rare virtue in today’s consumer oriented culture. I have many things to accomplish with Seda, but one of particular importance is to use it to effect a change in the world.

If I am to live and die without influence, that is fine with me. However, while I am here, I find it more productive to live for something. I want to live to empower people through my talents and skills. So my initial question was, how can I empower people and why do I feel they need to be empowered.

In short, I feel educating people can empower them; with information and perspective, they are better able to cope with the various aspects of their life, including topics of deep personal importance such as spirituality, health, etc. With a true education, they can become students of their own lives and find the means to develop their own talents and skills to reach maximum (honest) expression.

If I had to name the root cause of human suffering, it would be ignorance; ignorance of themselves and of their lives.

Most people do not understand their own motivations and have no sense of purpose; they are just going through the motions without really thinking about it. They use general terms like “spirituality”, “god”, and so on to cover up their ignorance and re-enforce their illusionary life based on sensory experiences. However, when a person obtains a greater understanding of him or her self, they also gain a greater understanding of life. This change or evolution in perspective fills them with energy and motivates them to “do” and to “live”, thus they are empowered.

Ignorance exists in its strongest form as “fear”. The fear of doing, of living, and of becoming is a barrier to entry and inhibits their personal empowerment. However with a greater and greater understanding of oneself (strengths, weaknesses, origins, and reasoning behind one’s perspectives), fears and insecurities, worries, and problems all begin to fade.

So by eliminating fear and educating people I feel I can empower them and thereby effect change in the world at large, which I believe coalesces with “some greater cosmic force” for “some purpose”. The force and the purpose will remain outside of my scope for now.

I would like to expand on a few points with clear and concise definitions.

Education. By educating someone I mean finding out what they know, what they don’t know, how much they know about what they know, and filling the gaps in between. By feeling the gaps, I don’t mean inserting information or perspective, rather I am talking about stimulating those areas of uncertainty and unknowns so that they can consider and fill them in for themselves. Furthermore, teaching them how to learn from life using the “science of teaching” will allow them to understand and explore their personal issues and challenges on their own to further their development. These are principle based and can apply to all sorts of people across the board.

The Science of Teaching. I define the science of teaching as the effective means of transferring information between one who knows (who has a practical, applicable understanding or awareness of a given subject) and one who doesn’t know.

It is currently understood that different people learn differently. To teach two different people in the same way would be a waste. Due to these multiple intelligences that exist, research and development of teaching methods that actually work is of critical importance to my goal. Interestingly, interactive video games/the computer could be the tool used to address the visual, audio, tactile, and special learners all at once; a powerful medium indeed. My research into the cognitive sciences and multiple intelligences has already begun for this step.